How to skip Half-life: Alyx Intro logo on PC (Steam)

skip Half-life: Alyx Intro

Half-Life: Alyx Screenshot

Half-life: Alyx is one of the biggest releases of the year, and it’s been getting immensely positive reviews. If you’re playing it, and want to skip Half-life: Alyx Intro logo, here’s how.

The game is exclusively VR, and Valve doesn’t plan to release a non-VR version for it.

To skip the intro logo, all you need to do is add an option in the launch options. Follow the steps below.


Half-life: Alyx System Requirements

To run the title on PC, you’ll need the following specifications.


The game is fairly demanding and if you plan to play it at higher resolutions and frame-rate you’ll need a beefy system for sure.


You can get it on Steam and you will need a support VR headset to play it.

For non-VR users, Valve has commented that they’re sure that some form of the non-VR mod will eventually come out.

We’re excited to see what Valve has in store for non-VR users, and for VR in general.


The game currently has a Metacritic score of 92, and an open critic score of 92 as well.

Despite being a VR only title, the game saw a peak player count of 42k, and it seems like a success.

Valve has also commented that the direction they take when it comes to future titles will depend on how well Alyx does.

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