How to Save Markus in Detroit Become Human [PS4 Guide]

Save Markus in Detroit Become Human

Authors Note: Keep in mind, this guide contains spoilers. Albeit nothing game breaking, I have tried my best to avoid where necessary. This guide will tell you How to Save Markus in Detroit Become Human as he leads the people of Jericho!

Additionally, this will ONLY work if you have done a good playthrough (Markus does non-violent protests when freeing the Cyberlife Androids, Marks does peaceful demonstrations and gatherings and no Casualty in Channel 16, Basically, anything that involves killing an NPC voluntarily outside of a QTE i.e. The Police, will result in risking the chances of the others surviving, additionally, you must maintain good relations with North and earn her Lover status)

If you wish to find guides for the other people, you will find them attached below:

How to Save Markus in Detroit Become Human

Markus is, fortunately, one of the easier characters to save.

All you have to do is ALWAYS pursue the pacifist and non-violent routes. Try your best to avoid killing unless its part of a QTE.

Additionally, it helps if you always make sure you have North on your side, even though she is more towards the violent side, I managed to stay as her lover throughout a pacifist playthrough.

The Stratford Tower Chapter

In the chapter, The Stratford Tower, when you reach the top floor you must choose RUSE over Assault on the guards and when one of the human operators runs out of the broadcast station, SPARE him.

Capitol Park Chapter

In the Chapter, Capitol Park, you will have to go through a series of events to eventually free the androids from the Cyberlife showroom. When they are all out of the store, make sure you tag all the windows, benches and signs in a pacifist manner. Keep doing stuff until your PACIFIST meter fills to a 100.

At the end of this chapter, you will be prompted to decide the fate of 2 policemen. Choose to SPARE them.

Freedom March Chapter

In the Chapter, Freedom March, have Markus and North reach lover status by NORTH’S PAST, UNDERSTANDING AND TRUST.

ONLY IF you saved the Android in the chapter, Spare Parts. This is the android who you encounter when looting the crates of Blue Blood and you have the option of silencing him until the human guard passes by.

In the Chapter, Freedom March, where Markus converts androids en masse and the police threaten to open fire, one of the ways to survive this chapter is by choosing to STAND YOUR GROUND, STAND YOUR GROUND, and SACRIFICE SELF. 

I will not spoil it, but if you did the above, you are free to choose the above prompts, if not, you need to choose DISPERSE, DISPERSE.

Crossroads Chapter

In the Chapter, Crossroads, Have Markus save North when escaping Jericho.

Night of the Soul Chapter

In the Chapter, Night of the Soul, Have Markus Choose DEMONSTRATION.

Battle for Detroit Chapter

In the Chapter, Battle for Detroit, you will proceed, as usual, always choosing PEACEFUL and CALM options to win public opinion, which is important for Kara, Alice and Luther to escape. You can choose any option that closes the chapter such as RAISE FIST, KNEEL, but I went with SIT.

In the Chapter, Battle for Detroit, When you have fortified your encampment and are approached by the negotiator, you must choose to REFUSE and REFUSE. YOU MUST NOT NEGOTIATE WITH THE POLICE.

In the Chapter, Battle for Detroit, when the police assault your encampment, proceed to do ALL the QTE’s and save your android companions. When your backs against the wall, an option will unlock “KISS NORTH“, do this and you have sealed your survival as Markus!

The next point really isn’t for Markus, it’s at the end of the game and will affect Markus’s survival, even if you’re not playing as him.

In the chapter, Battle for Detroit, When Markus is giving the victory speech to the massive audience of androids from Cyberlife that Connor brought with him, Amanda will takeover Connor. When you have resumed control of Connor with the camera on his back and seeing the snowstorm, go to the right and follow the path until you see a blue handprint panel. Complete the brief QTE and you will thwart Amanda’s assassination attempt on Markus

We hope that this guide helps you Save Markus in Detroit Become Human, and if you have any feedback, questions, or otherwise need assistance, I will be glad to help if you leave your questions in the comments section!

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