Samsung announced its latest flagship phones, the Samsung Galaxy Note 10 and Note 10 Plus a couple of days ago. The new phones will hit the markets later this month and so if you are planning on getting either of the two Note variants then it is a good time to learn what some new changes are. Unlike the previous Note models, Samsung has done away with the stand-alone Bixby button on the new Note 10, instead, the wake-up button will now double as the Bixby button and the phone will turn off from the notifications bar. Here is how to restart or turn off Galaxy Note 10 and Note 10 Plus.
The “power” button on the Samsung Note 10 will now only wake up and lock the phone when pressed a single time. When you press the button and hold it the Bixby assistant will pop up. We are unsure as to the why Samsung did this but it’s here and this is how it will work from now on.
How to Restart or Turn Off Galaxy Note 10 and Note 10 Plus
Now you may ask yourself how do I shut down or restart the phone? Well, that is simple but a little different. Contrary to Samsung’s all other smartphones, the Note 10 is powered off from the UI. Here is how it works.
Step 1- Press the power button to unlock the phone.
Step 2- Pull down the notification menu and then tap on the power symbol right next to the settings icon.
Step 3- A new pop up will appear giving you the options to turn off, restart or enter the emergency mode.
If you really want to use the physical buttons to turn off your phone then that can also happen albeit a bit differently.
Step 1- Press down the power button and volume down button simultaneously and hold them.
Step 2- The “power off” menu will pop up, simply tap on whichever function you want the phone to perform.
This is it, it is quite simple but many people argue that they’d rather have a physical power button to restart or turn off the phone. In my opinion, it is not all that significant and the fewer buttons make the phone look neater.
Let me know in the comments if you have any questions or thoughts regarding this article.