How to fix OS X Yosemite Wi-Fi issues manually? [Tutorial]


Apple’s latest operating systems i.e. iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite seems to have experiencing Wi-Fi issues. The reason behind the issues is the use of Apple’s Wireless Direct Link (AWDL) for Bonjour. Wi-Fi hardware constraints the usage hence creating performance issues.The Cupertino is yet to fix the issues completely. We just told you about how to fix such issues on iOS 8 via jailbreak tweak. But what about OS X Yosemite Wi-Fi issues? Can we fix them? There is no app or tweak available to provide with the toggle. So what to do?

Well, you can change the settings manually by typing simple terminal commands. You can either enable or disable the AWDL as per your needs. Want to have no Wi-Fi issue, just disable it.

To disable, type

sudo ifconfig awdl0 down

To enable, type

sudo ifconfig awdl0 up

It will fix your OS X Yosemite Wi-Fi issues however, will affect your AirDrop features. You can enable AWDL when you are going to use AirDrop continuously for some time.

Have you got any other fix for the issue? Do tell us in your comments below.

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