How to fix Mafia 2: Definitive Edition Missing XINPUT1_4.DLL on Windows 7

Mafia 2: Definitive Edition Missing XINPUT1_4.DLL

Mafia 2: Definitive Edition Screenshot

Mafia 2: Definitive Edition is a remaster of the original title that came out back in 2010. The remaster has allowed console players to experience the classic title on current generation consoles. PC players have also received this, and if you are running into the Mafia 2: Definitive Edition Missing XINPUT1_4.DLL error on Windows 7, here’s how to fix it.

We understand that a lot of users still prefer Windows 7 over Windows 10, and this guide is for them. Sadly, Windows 7 isn’t supported all that much by developers and runs into issues like this all the time.

Solution to Fix Missing XINPUT1_4.DLL

Windows 7 users have reported that upon launching, they get an error for a missing DLL file. This kind of problem was actually pretty common in the Windows 7 era, but not for Windows 10 users. To fix this issue, follow the steps below.

After you follow these steps, you are good to go. Thanks to Steam user steveballmer for providing this file.

Mafia 2: Definitive Edition on Steam and Epic Games Store

You can now purchase the definitive edition of the classic title on both Steam and Epic Games Store, from the links below. If you already own Mafia 2 on Steam, you will receive the new version for free.

There is also a trilogy collection available that includes the remake of the first title in Mafia 3’s engine. While the first title isn’t available yet, both Mafia 2, and 3’s definitive editions are available.

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