How to Fix Crashed PS4 Without Factory Resetting? (Message Bug)

Crashed PS4

PlayStation 4

There is a certain message that is going around on PSN which apparently freezes your PS4 and asks you to do a factory reset losing all of your data. This exploit was recently discovered and some people are using it to brick PS4s by sending the message via PSN to other people. Let’s see how you can prevent this or if you are already affected then let’s see what can be done to fix your PS4 without factory resetting.

How to Prevent PS4 From Message Bug/Exploit?

So first things first, the best precaution you can take right now to prevent this from happening is to set your messages to either no-one or friends only. It is not worth taking the risk right now as Sony hasn’t said anything about controlling the problem so it is best to stay safe. The exploit only works through messages and as long as you don’t receive it you will be fine.

How to Fix Crashed PS4 Without Factory Resetting?

If you have already received the message then you probably can’t turn on your PS4 right now so what you need to do is download the PS4 mobile app on your smartphone if you don’t already have it. Once downloaded login and then go to messages and delete the message that caused the PS4 to brick. Once there you should also set the messages to private by going to profile -> clicking on the top right triple colon -> privacy setting -> Personal Info | Messaging –> Messages. Then set to friends only or nobody.

Once you have done the above just simply turn on your PS4 and it should be back to working.

Note: In case you don’t have access to a smartphone, you can all of the above on Playstation’s website here.

This is all for now, let us know in the comments if this method worked for you or if you have any questions.


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