How to Fix Black Ops 4 FPS Lag and gain FPS Boost on Windows

Fix Black Ops 4 FPS Lag

One of the most anticipated games of 2018, Call of Duty Black Ops 4 is out. The game feels very smooth and polished and is very well optimized for PC as well. There are way too many settings that you can tweak in Black Ops 4 that it might give you a headache. The people who are not tech related or average person might get confused after seeing these settings and not knowing what to max out and what not. Here’s how to fix Black Ops 4 FPS lag if you are facing any.

Fix Black Ops 4 FPS Lag and FPS Boost

If your PC is unable to run the game smoothly at ultra and is frustrating you at the most. You will have to tweak some settings in the options and of the settings is shadows textures related settings which has a huge boost on FPS probably around 10-12 FPS. Almost every single game offers an option to tweak graphics setting to either setting it low or turn them completely off. The later one is rarely offered in latest games however, you can try these shadow tweaks which I will be mentioning down below to get a huge FPS boost in Black Ops 4.

How gain FPS Boost in Black Ops 4 on Windows?

To get started with FPS boost trick in Black Ops 4 all you need is to follow these steps:

Step 1. Finding your config.ini file

In order to gain FPS boost in Windows, you will have to edit the config.ini file placed in the directory below

C:Program Files (x86)Call of Duty Black Ops 4playersconfig.ini

Step 2. Editing your config.ini file

Now right click the file and select edit with notepad or any document editing software and press Ctrl + F to find these settings:



Step 3. Setting valves of the settings

After finding the two settings in Step 2 set the values of both of the settings to 128.

Step.4 Restart

Restart your game and you will notice an FPS boost.


The game will reduce the render resolution if the FPS you are getting is in the range from 40 – 60 FPS or below 60 on every restart. In case you wonder why is this happening all of the sudden.

You can remove the 128 values added in step 3 and restore the original value to play on the settings that you were playing before.

Let me know in the comments below if this guide helped you to fix Black Ops 4 FPS lag? Also, I would recommend doing this because the changes are not that much noticeable.

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