How to disable Mortal Shell Chromatic Aberration on PC (EGS)

disable Mortal Shell Chromatic Aberration

Mortal Shell

Mortal Shell is an action role-playing video game from Cold Symmetry and Playstack. The title is a souls-like, meaning it’s similar to the style of Dark Souls games from FROMSOFTWARE. Mortal Shell is available on PC via Epic Games Store, PS4, and Xbox One. If you are on PC and want to disable the Mortal Shell Chromatic Aberration, here is how you can do it.

Mortal Shell is getting positive reviews from critics, and is currently sitting at a score of 76 on Metacritic.

Disable Mortal Shell Chromatic Aberration

Chromatic Aberration is a visual effect many developers use, but is rarely implemented well. To turn it off in Mortal Sell, follow the steps below.

%USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\MortalShell\Dungeonhaven\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\

Chromatic Aberration

After you have followed these steps, Chromatic Aberration will be disabled in-game.


To run this game on PC, you will need the following specifications



MORTAL SHELL on the Epic Games Store

You can get Mortal Shell on the Epic Games Store from the following link.

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