Here are 5 Games Similar to Mass Effect Series

Mass Effect Andromeda

Mass Effect Andromeda

The Mass Effect series is one of the most beloved franchises in video gaming. The legendary developers, Bioware, lived up to expectations and smashed the ball out of the park with this one. It was a thrilling experience in each outing of Commander Shepard and crew, whether it be fighting the Reapers for the first time, or watching Commander Shepard come back from the dead, story was a always a key focus in the Mass Effect games. The story can also be affected by the choices made by the player. The story of the previous game can be moved on to the next one, where the choices of the player can be carried forward from game to game.

The game play was another gem, it encouraged and rewarded exploring the games’ many different worlds and environment, and made interacting with NPCs feel more fulfilling. The game allowed deeply players to customize their character, gender, skin color, attributes and much more could be tailored to the player’s preferences. It is sad that after the last entry in the Mass Effect series, Mass Effect Andromeda, it is unlikely that a new game will be introduced into the series any time soon.

However, for gamers who want a similar experience to Mass Effect, with the brilliant blending of story telling and game play, then here are some similar games to check out:

Games Like Mass Effect

Osiris: New Dawn

Osiris: New Dawn is a survival game, that may not be the same genre as Mass Effect, but does capture a lot of the same feel. It has a similar setting and environment to what we have become accustomed to from the Mass Effect series. Being developed by Fenix Fire Entertainment, Osiris: New Dawn will be available for PC, XBOX One and PS4 sometime in 2018.


Borderlands is another one of gamings most beloved franchises. While not set in a setting similar to that of Mass Effect, it does share some of the elements. Borderlands has a large open word, with many different areas and environments. NPCs feel important to the plot and can feel alive, with their witty commentary. The Borderlands franchise even has a few Game of the Year award to its name.

Dragon Age

Another amazing series from Bioware, Dragon Age is an action RPG set in a more medieval era like environment. The game features elements similar to those of Mass Effect: a focus on story, large map to be explored and rich character customization. The choices the player makes can affect the story of the game. Dragon Age Inquisition was the last entry in the franchise.

The Witcher

CD Project Red’s amazing RPG games, The Witcher series, are a great blend of story telling and exploration. Each side quest offers something new and adds to the lore of the game, and almost never feels repetitive. The maps are large and invite the player to go out and search for new locations, enemies and treasures. Just like the Mass Effect series, The Witcher series allows the player to deeply customize their character. The actions taken will also affect the outcome of the quests that the player undertakes.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

This is another game by Bioware, and just goes to show what a legendary developer they are. While there are many good games in the Star Wars franchise, non compare to the classic that is the Knights of the Old Republic. A gripping narrative and fun to play game, it is said to have partly inspired Mass Effect Andromeda.

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