Haier Mobile Unplugged Event: Take a Chance at the Free Invites

Haier Mobile Unplugged Event

Haier launched its series of smartphones a couple of months ago and they took everyone by surprise, by their functionality and design. Haier Mobile has then been promoting itself by various TV ads, social media, and other channels of marketing and advertisement. Now comes the Haier Mobile Unplugged Event which is not only an event but a chance for Haier to boost its sales up to 100%.

But that’s not the point here, the point is that you can also be a part of the event!


Reasons why you want to go the event

  1. You will get a chance to meet celebrities, Haier officials, and famous people from around Pakistan.
  2. Noori will be there to make you wanna jump from your seats
  3. 1 & 2


How to test your luck?

Visit Haier Mobile official Facebook page and find the following post. Tag your friends in the comments and get a chance to be a part of the Haier Mobile Unplugged Event.

Hurry up! 5 people have already been announced, if you’re fortunate enough, you can have your name listed in the remaining 5.

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