A guiding hand for Pakistan Students for Foreign Scholarships: Dignosco


Education, an important sector for a country like Pakistan. Pakistani Students are essential factor in shaping future of Pakistan. Unfortunately, most Pakistani students are not given proper career counseling which cost choosing a profession where student might get frustrated or disappointed. Following society is a norm in Pakistan which needs to be changed. There are so many opportunities in Pakistan available for students but due to our schooling system we fail to guide students.

Dignosco Pakistan, a student career counseling service for Pakistani student is trying to help student at different levels to avail the best opportunities and scholarships.   The company recently, held a bloggers meetup to spread the message and need of counseling among users. There are millions of rupees scholarships available for students which are wasted each year because of unavailability of proper information.

We need to change are schooling system and should focus more on Student counseling enabling students to get proper education and shape better future for Pakistan. Dignosco help all kind of student even those who are needy or cannot afford study. They are some students are studying at full scholarships at foreign universities.

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