Guide to Fix Scarlet Nexus Ghosting and Blur Graphics

Scarlet Nexus is a new RPG created by Bandai Namco Entertainment and has absolutely stunning visuals. However, if you believe in the beast PC that you have and that you paid so much for, then you probably want more out of the visuals the game has to offer; especially if you have built a completely new PC. And hey, if you can squeeze out more quality and your system can handle the performance, then why not?

We over here have the best possible settings that you can use on Scarlet Nexus; courtesy of Steam user Cirno. If you have the hardware to back it up, then you can make good use of this guide to tweak the graphic settings of this game better than the highest graphics settings that the game has to offer. Because everyone likes beautiful graphics, especially PC gamers. This can also help you to fix any ghosting and blurry graphics issues you are having as well.

Minimum Requirements

Before you attempt any of the solutions mentioned below, you have to make sure that your PC meets the minimum system requirements for Scarlet Nexus. If it does not, there’s no point in attempting any of the solutions for fixing the ghosting issue you might have.

Method #1 – Change INI file settings

r.ScreenPercentage=135 ; (135 is the value for a 1060 6GB at 1080p), set to your personal preference according to your configuration (For 4K you can set it to 100, for 1440p i recommand a value of 120).
r.PostProcessAAQuality=6 ; Set AntiAliasing to maximum quality
r.TemporalAACurrentFrameWeight=0.125 ; Avoid AntiAliasing ghosting
r.Tonemapper.Sharpen=0.85 ; You can set it to personal preference, i like when it's sharp so it set it to 0.85 but you can set a value between 0 and 1.00
sg.ViewDistanceQuality=3 ; Don't set to 4 it actually kill FPS for no graphical improvement

Method #2 – Enable DX12

This will help to increase your performance. Unfortunately, there is no option in the in-game settings to allow the game to use DX12 natively, so you have to do it manually. To enable DX12 in Scarlet Nexus, you will have to add the Launch option for it specifically in the game properties in Steam. Here’s how you can enable DX12 in Scarlet Nexus:

Method #3 — Change The Preferred Graphics Option:

If you’re playing on a PC with an APU or a CPU with integrated graphics (iGPU) installed, the game may be utilizing your integrated graphics to run it instead of your discrete GPU. Below, we’ve mentioned a fix for both NVIDIA and AMD GPUs.



All done

That is it you can now enjoy higher settings than the game developers probably intended you to. You can now open the game; sit back and enjoy the beauty the game has to offer you. Let us know in the comments below if this guide helped you. You can see our other guides related to Scarlet Nexus down below:

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