Google Play Capturing Market of Apple Store

As Google and Apple are growing there is also increase in the Google Apple news hype. Google has captured the most of the web offering its search engine at one end while Wallet on the other. Google Play, a shop for genuine android applications has shown its popularity like other features of Google .Recent report released by market tracker Distimo indicates the rapid growth in the popularity of Google Play Shop. Google Play has become a fast growing market for android applications and games. It has affected the market of Apple store.

The reports shows that during the past four months, the daily revenue of Google Play shop seemed to increase by 43 percent across 20 largest countries while on the other hand, the increase in Apple market was only 21 percent. However, according to Distimo, it is just the start as still today, Apple store has more daily revenue on worldwide scale. The sale in November 2012 of Apple was $15 million while of Google Play was only $3.5 million.

Another research by IDC also indicated that Android is still the most powerful platform as it was the OS of more than two third smartphones sold last year.  Due to ease of this platform, It is supposed to be dominant for next four years.Here is the chart of top 10 highest grossing cross-platform publishers. They also showed in the report that graph of in app-purchase is increased  from 53% to 69% the last year 2012.

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