Google Helpouts to shut down on April 20,2015

google helpouts-end

Google announced today that its Helpouts platform will be shutting down on April 20, 2015. The reason behind shut down of Google Helpouts is its slow growth. Even mobile app of Helpouts for iOS and Android could not gain much popularity and at last, Google decided to shut the service down.

Google Helpouts was launched back in November 2013. With Helpouts, anyone could take online help from experts online in real time. Here is the statement from Google.

Since launching in 2013, Helpouts has been a home for people to connect with experts on topics they want to learn about or seek advice and solutions to everyday problems. The Helpouts community includes some engaged and loyal contributors, but unfortunately, it hasn’t grown at the pace we had expected. Sadly, we’ve made the tough decision to shut down the product.

As mentioned, the service will shut down on April 20,2015 and after that you will be able to download your Helpouts history with Google Takeout until November 1,2015.

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