Google to fix Chrome battery drain issue for Windows users


Five days back, a report from Forbes claimed about Chrome battery drain issue on laptops. According to the report, Chrome utilizes more of your laptop battery as compared to other major browsers i.e. Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer. The reason behind is the parameter i.e. system clock tick rate set by Google for Chrome browser. The rate is 1.000ms far more than Firefox and IE’s 15.25ms. It means that Chrome wakes us the processor 1000 times per second which is 64 times more than its competitors. This results in extensive drain of laptops batteries.

The significance of issue has pushed a number of users to Firefox and IE. Considering this, Google has placed Chrome battery drain issue at top of its bug report list. Google is now promising a fix in upcoming Chrome version. This has been confirmed by Google to PCWorld. According to Google, an engineer has been deployed to address Chrome battery drain issue internally.

The report follows Chrome 37 beta release in which Google introduced many significant features. These includes improved font rendering, supporting Microsoft DirectWrite technology. It seems like Google is quite serious about its Windows browser. Why should not it be? Chrome is now being run on most of the PCs, leaving its competitors far behind. Recently, we also told you that 64-bit Chrome is also in beta stages. And is about to come soon. You can still get 64-bit chrome here.

Have you noticed Chrome battery drain issue before? Well, I did. Share your experience with us.

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