Google announces Android L Developer Preview

Android L

The Google’s new updated Android software has major visual changes and also some changes in the new Material Design initiative. The square icons have been changed into round ones; there have been changes in the Android buttons as well as in the Gmail interface. The new Android buttons are more minimalistic and simple and the Gmail’s new interface is also more user’s friendly. New do-not-disturb options have also been added and the Google keyboard and quick menu settings are also updated. The Roboto font can now work on every screen even on the televisions. A new material theme will now be updated on all of the Google’s stock apps.

With the new interactive access on the lock screen, the notifications are also the as classy and well presented as in the previous versions. The lock screen has been modified now with the combining of the notification pane in it as well. A new drop-down notification has also been added in this newer version. This drop-down notification has also been used in the LG’s G3 smartphone and this is not much different than that and it facilitates the incoming calls and messages as well.

Google has extended the whole Material Design including the web as well. The demo of the I/O of Android L has also an ability to show how search results on the web employ the same design language. There will be Visual elements moving across the whole screen and animating in the Chrome mobile browser as they will do in the Android L itself at the speed of 60 frames per second.

There is another thing that the recently used apps and accessed web pages would be now represented by the stacked card overview which is more attractive than that multitasking view. Its working is also different as a single app can have lot of items in the list.

Coming towards the performance now, the runtime of the new Android L will be exclusively the one which was introduced with the KitKat. According to Google’s Dave Burke the runtime will be twice of the old Dalvik, which is resounding as there will be better memory management and resource efficiency. For the better graphics for the Android Games an Android Extension Pack has also been added and it has the same effects which can be expected from the NVidia’s Tegra K1.

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