God of War 4 on PC running PlayStation 4 Emulator for PC? (Fake or Not)

God of War 4 on PC running via PS4 Emulator

A new video has surfaced on the internet which is presenting itself as a hoax but trying to pass itself off as the real McCoy, it seems that someone has been able to emulate the recently highly popular PS4 exclusive God of War 4 on PC and is trying to convince others to download a fake PS4 emulator that could potentially be a malware or worse.

Emulation has been a time-honored tradition of the PC gaming community, with the PC community currently spending tons of time enjoying classic NES / SEGA and other 8-Bit, 16-Bit and 32-Bit pieces of gaming from the comfort of their PC’s. While emulation has been at a half for a while since there is a lack of it for the last generation of consoles with the lack of a 100% compatible PS2 emulator still absent, one can’t even fathom how far away we are from seeing a full-fledged PS3, PS4, XBox 360 or an Xbox One Emulator anytime soon.

God of War 4

God of War 4 on PC Running on PS4 Emulator? Seems Fake!

The video below is for informative purposes, at no point should you consider any of the contents of the video to be of the truth since emulation on the PS4 is a still a long shot, if not several years away, and especially with what is easily one of the more demanding games of the console running smoothly on any PC is a colossal achievement, but when PS3 emulation was in its infancy, people struggled to run multi-platform games like Red Dead Redemption 2, but struggled with it.


PCSX4 is a Fake Website! Stay Away!

The software takes a page from the popular PS2 Emulator, PCSX2 and is called the PCSX 4, we highly recommend people stay away from this software as in its current state, emulation on the PS4 is out of the realm of possibility and the flagship game to show the success of it being God of War should be the biggest give away.

What are your thoughts on the video? Let us know in the comments section below.

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