Fortnite Season 7 Week 5 Challenges Cheat Sheet & Guide

Fortnite v7.1 Patch Notes

Fortnite Battle Royale

As we are mid-way through season 7 we take a look at how to tackle the fifth week of the weekly challenges. As we get into the Fortnite Season 7 Week 5 Challenges Cheat Sheet and guide you through doing each challenge one at a time.

Find out what challenges are waiting for you and how to do them the fastest.

Fortnite Season 7 Week 5 Challenges Cheat Sheet and how you can do them:

As these are the first challenges of the new year, it seems that Epic Games has taken some leniency on us and is easing us into the celebration with another set of relatively easy challenges.

1. Deal damage to opponent structures (5000 damage)

Self-explanatory. Jump into an LTM. Pick up grenades, TNT, Boombox, or just destroy the base of a build with a weapon and watch it crumble. It might take you a few matches, but no more than 2 to 3 if you are having bad luck finding structures to destroy.

2. Dance on top of Water Tower –> Ranger Tower –> Air Traffic Control Tower

All you have to do is land at each location and dance or emote on top of each place. You can find the Water Tower in Retail Row, The Ranger Tower in Lonely Lodge, and the Air Traffic Control Tower in Frosty Flights.

3. Eliminate an opponent from closer than 5m away (3 eliminations)

Unlike the 50m challenge, you just need to eliminate opponents up close and personal. Pick up a Tactical Shotgun or any ranged weapon of your choosing and begin firing without prejudice. You don’t even need to be in a location for this.

4. Suppressed Weapons Eliminations (3 opponents)

Get 3 kills with a suppressed weapon. This applies to suppressed pistols and the suppressed SCAR. You can easily find the suppressed pistol as a floor or chest item, the suppressed scar is more common in supply drops or if you are lucky, inside chests.

5. Search 7 Chests at Wailing Woods or Paradise Palms

Once again, you can search at 1 of the places and finish off at the other. It’s not necessary to open all 7 chests in one place, but if you land alone, then you are all the luckier. Just land at either location, open 7 chests and you’re done.

6. Search between a giant rock man, a crowned tomato and an encircled tree

This is a very specific location, which is on the cheat sheet at the top of the post. Land here and collect the secret star (not to be confused with the battle star you will get for completing this week’s challenges. You will still need to collect once you unlock the loading screen of the weekly and then finding the location of the star).

7. Land at the following locations -> Polar Peak -> Fatal Fields -> Tomato Temple -> Leaky Lake -> Snobby Shores

All you have to do is drop out of the battle bus and just land your glider at these locations. You can immediately die or kill yourself after landing and the progress bar registering the landing. You can easily do this in solo to speed it up.

And with that, we are done with the latest set of weekly challenges. You can have a peek at Week 6 and Week 7 challenges and readying yourself from really difficult ones. 

Let us know which challenge gave you a hard time.

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