Fortnite Season 6 Week 8 Challenges Cheat Sheet & Guide

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Fortnite Season 6 is nearly at its end and with Week 8 we can now expect a new set of challenges to help push people closer to their tier 100 on the battle pass. Here are the latest weekly challenges for you to do and get those free battle pass tiers. Find out what are this weeks Fortnite Season 6 Week 8 challenge and the easiest way to do them.

How to solve Fortnite Season 6 Week 8 Challenges:

The challenges are listed below with a cheat sheet for them to follow, but there is really only 1 challenge which will need the cheat sheet.

Free Battle Pass Challenges: 

Visit Challenge: (5 Stars)

All you need to do is visit the above locations in succeeding order.

Dance with a fish trophy at a named location 0/7 (5 Stars)

You can the locations of the fish in the cheat sheet above or the video below. Just go in front of one and do a dance. If you repeat the same fish you will not get the glow effect on your character.

Six Shooter / Heavy Assault Rifle Elimination 0/2 (HARD, 10 Stars)

For Six Shooter and Heavy Assault Rifle, you can easily find the latter in supply drops and chests, otherwise, Six Shooters are an abundance on the battlefield. Just jump into a game of Food Fight and you’ll find them in the dozens.

Battle Pass Challenges: 

Get a score of 3 on different clay pigeon shooters 0/3 (5 Stars)

We did these challenges earlier in Season 5 Week 3. All you have to do is shoot 3 clay pigeons that the machine shoots out. The best weapon for this would be a shotgun. The locations are on the cheat sheet above or you can see them in the video below.

Score trick points in a vehicle; Quadcrasher, Kart or Shopping Cart. for 250,000 points (5 Stars)

For scoring trick points, grab a Quadcrasher, ATK or a shopping cart. Build a ramp and just keep driving off it. We recommend you use the Quad or the ATK as you are less likely to die from the fall.

Visit 4 different named locations in a single match (HARD, 10 Stars)

All you have to do is glide or walk into named places on the map like Dusty Divot, Retail Row, Paradise Falls etc. If it doesn’t have a name on the map, it won’t count. You also need to make sure they’re in the same match. So just go into a game of Food Fight and put your character on auto-run.

Use: (HARD, 10 Stars)

For grappling hook and its proceeding items, you can easily find these as floor loot, chests, supply drops.

Make sure you stay until the end of the match or you eliminate yourself as soon as you have done the challenge if you are in a solo, duo or squads for your success in each to properly register. Leaving match will result in the challenge not being saved.

These are some of the easiest challenges so far, the only difficult one would be eliminating opponents with a Six Shooter / Heavy Assault Rifle since those will be a scarce item now. You can easily do the majority of these in a single game of Food Fight.

Unfortunately, it looks like the reward for this weeks challenges is another banner. No bonus secret star. We will see that return in Week 9.

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