Fortnite Marshmello Collaboration Confirmed By Patch 7.20 Video

[4:48 PM, 1/15/2019] Wadan Khan Yousafzai: this is the title for it? [4:48 PM, 1/15/2019] Wadan Khan Yousafzai: Fortnite Marshmello collaboration

Fortnite Star Ninja and Marshmello

Today is turning out to be quite an eventful day for Fortnite players. Earlier today the new patch, Fortnite Patch 7.20, dropped which has brought with it a plethora of new items and improvements. Such as a new scoped revolver, a Glider Redeploy Item, a new mode called One shot in which all players have 50 health, the gravity is lower than before and snipers are the only weapons. Moreover, we have news of a leaked Fortnite Marshmello Collaboration which has now been confirmed by a video.

Fortnite Marshmello Collaboration Confirmed By Patch 7.20 Video

Just moments ago, a video leaked on Twitter that confirms Fortnite Marshmello Collaboration. The video has been apparently taken from the recent Fortnite patch files. The video features a Marshmellow song with flashy visuals. The word around the internet is that Fortnite will feature the song in a limited time event. Moreover, it is also rumored that Marshmello themed skins, emotes, gliders and pickaxes will also be released sometime in the future.

The video has bright flashes of lights and quick transitions so beware in case you are epileptic. Currently not much is known about the video apart from the fact that the song will become part of the game at some point in a limited time mode. I will be updating the article as more info becomes available.

While I have you here, feel free to check out our articles on Fortnite Patch 7.20 Notes, Fortnite Patch 7.20 Leaked Skins and Fortnite 7.20 BackBling leak.

Let me know in the comments if you have any thoughts regarding the Fortnite Marshmello Collaboration and the recent leaks.

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