Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition Chapter 1 free on App Store

Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition

Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition

Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition which is published by Square Enix is finally out on App Store and will be available on Play Store. The game is a mobile version of the critically acclaimed highly successful award winning role playing game, Final Fantasy XV. Square Enix has released various Final Fantasy titles, including many ports of original games as well.

Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition

Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition is basically the main game without the grinding, side quests and all the other baggage that comes with any modern role playing game, all the characters are replaced by chibi versions and they’re quite cute to see in action. As mentioned earlier, most of what you will do the pocket version is focused and linear to fit the medium and technology. There are no diners for characters to get side quests, but there’s a shopkeeper that sells weapons and potions. Most of the driving is done automatically as well, initiated with touch taps.

Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition Gameplay

The combat even though simplified fits the medium very well and is viewed in an isometric camera angle. Most of the game’s main story is the same as the main game, but since there are no side quests and mini-games involved to keep you distracted, the pocket edition feels much more focused and coherent, which is an odd thing to say but it works.

Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition Chapters

Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition Screenshot

The game is spread across 10 chapters, basically telling the main game story without the distractions, you can play the first chapter for free, try it out and see if you like it. The android version is coming soon and like all mobile final fantasy games, it’ll definitely be on android as well.

You can get the game from the app store, here.

Will you be getting the Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition? Let us know in the comments below

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