Final Fantasy VII Remake For Xbox One Listed on Game Spain

Final Fantasy VII Remake

Final Fantasy VII Remake

Popular retailer, GAME, which is well known in the UK and is the equivalent of GameStop in the region, has had a very peculiar listing in the Spain division. A listing suggests that the Final Fantasy VII Remake For Xbox One could be happening, and it could spell trouble for Sony if they were to lose the exclusivity of the game.

While Final Fantasy VII Remake is a complete reimagining of the game from the ground up and was said to be a PS4 exclusive, but considering the listing comes from a reputed video games reseller, one might wonder if Square Enix has a surprise for the fans at this years E3?

It was also only recently that the Xbox One fan base also got their hands on the Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5 Final HD remix which had been available for the PS4 for quite some time now, and at the recent Kingdom Hearts 3 preview event, the console partner was none other than Microsoft.

Perhaps in light of all this good press, maybe Square Enix is considering spreading their wings and bringing Final Fantasy VII to the Xbox One as well? I would think that in light of recent events this can be a good likelihood.

Keep in mind that there could be dozens of reasons for this listing, including an inaccuracy as GAME in Spain only works at a reseller capacity, or there could be any number of reasons that the game is listed there, but it is also just as likely that this is like the infamous Walmart Canada leak that opened the floodgates to Rage 2 and more games potentially being confirmed for this years E3.

What are your thoughts on the game making its way to the Xbox One? Are you expecting similar surprises at this years E3? Let us know your thoughts and comments in the comments section below!


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