Official File Manager for Windows Phone due in May

If there is one feature that Microsoft Mobiles/ Nokia is still missing for Window Phones is the File Manager. Developers are and were working hard to make a third party version of File Manager. But earlier Microsoft announced that they are working on File Manager for Windows Phone and it and it would be soon available in May. They said May but still you are thinking that May have arrived and the software isn’t ready. It would take some time as the Developers are working very fast on it and a version would soon be uploaded on the Store.

Not much was reveled about the app but some of the screen shots were leaked and it explains everything. Users will be able to do every stuff what normal file manager or the file manager you used was capable of providing. The thing that we are expecting from different form other File Manager was it would come with more option and would provide a lot of more support.

With so much things to tackle on a smartphone a File Manager seems like one of the basics needs of the users. Comparing Windows Phone File Manager with that of Android and Apple Microsoft is a bit late but hold on it is truth that neither Android not Apple have a native File Manager either, but that something that we are not here to discuss.

So guys what do you think of the new File Manger looks? Do you think Microsoft have nailed with this version?

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