Fast Food Restaurants: 25 facts you did not know about

Fast Food

Now a days, fast food has been the preferred choice of eating food. But it is really safe and completely hygienic to eat it? It may or may not be clean and thus can damage your health. Here is a list of things fast food restaurants don’t want you to know about.

DISCLAIMER: This is not directed towards any fast food chain in specific, but it is written in general.

25 – The grill marks on your burgers were put on the factory while processing them.

24 – The French fries are usually not fresh. If you want fresh French fries then order them without salt and sprinkle salt on them after they have arrived. This way they will have to cook a fresh batch.

23 – Most restaurant’s salads contain just as many calories as the Big Mac.

22 – Next time you get a drink from the soda fountain look at the ice chute, quite often you’ll find mold.

21 – That chili you ordered may or may not be made out of left over hamburger meat.

20 – Just about 50% of fast food restaurants soda fountains have fecal bacteria on them.

19 – The pictures and videos of food on these fast food commercials you see are airbrushed and touched up with fiberglass. It takes up to two hours to set up just one hamburger.

18 – In fast food restaurants, a lot of kitchen employees follow the 5 second rule.

17 – Fast food restaurants throw away an incredible amount of unused food every night.

16 – At some fast food restaurants, the food carries over to the next day for serving.

15 – Restaurants of the same chain can have vastly different standards and qualities. It usually depends on the managerial staff.

14 – All fast food workers are supposed to wear gloves when they prepare food but most of the time nobody follows that rule.

13 – Next time take a look around the parking lot, bathroom or sitting area. If it is dirty, imagine what the places you can’t see look like.

12 – In 1970 around $6 billion was spent on fast food. Today that number is up to $200 billion

11 – The soft drinks that you drink are marked up by 1200%.

10 – Some fast food milkshakes can easily contain over 50 different kinds of chemicals.

9 – Fast food companies load up with high fructose corn syrup because it’s a cheap sweetener. It also will trick your body into wanting more of it.

8 – Lots of places around closing time they’ll give you decaf coffee whether you ordered it that way or not. They do this because they don’t want to clean two different coffee pots.

7 – If you get a lemon in your drink you better be careful. Often the employees will not wash their hands and they’ll just cut them up, and serve them.

6 – Cashiers are not supposed to tell you how many calories are in your dish, even if they know it. They are supposed to tell you that “All that information is available online.”

5 – Fast food restaurants scrambled eggs are made out of a premixed powder-concentrate and water.

4 – Lots of times fast food companies’ salads are made several days in advance and just sit in the refrigerator until someone orders it.

3 – Just one hamburger can contain meat from several different cows.

2 – Fast food companies are one of the top exploiters of cheap labor. They actively engage in anti-union activities.

1 – Fast food companies load up their kid’s meals with extra sugar to make them more appealing to kids. Adding sugar to pizza crust is not unusual.

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