Fallout 76 PC Patch updates the beta to Full Game (Patch Notes Coming Soon)

Fallout 76 PC Patch

Fallout 76

Apparently, Fallout 76 has been updated to the full game version with a minor update. It was posted moments earlier in forums across the web when players noticed that their beta Fallout 76 has been updated through the launcher with modifications to the fallout76.ini file. Fallout 76 PC Patch is the latest patch that reportedly updates your game from beta to the full final game, however, this is only applicable if you downloaded the beta beforehand and Fallout 76 key had been registered to your Bethesda account.

Fallout 76 PC Patch updates the beta to Full Game (Patch Notes Included)

According to Bethesda Community manager, Fallout76 beta has been updated to the full game via Fallout 76 PC Patch. The update was only 20MB in size and you might even have missed it but it did occur. If your game has indeed been updated you will see that the following lines from fallout76.ini have been removed


sTitleType = beta 

This means then that version is the first build of the live game. Some players expressed disappointment that the game will not receive a proper update because according to them there still are a few bugs in the game that they were hoping to get fixed with a big final patch.

Fallout 76 ingame screen

Console players will have to download the live build of the game from the start, the above is only true for PC gamers.

Upon inquiry from players on Bethesda.net forums, a community manager said the following

The PC update was only very small to prepare you for the full game. Assuming you had the latest beta installed and that small update installed, you should be good to go.

To confirm, what PC version does it have listed in your launcher?

To further clarify he added,

As far as I’m aware, should be the latest version for PC. If your launcher says “Play” when you are on the Fallout 76 tab then you should be good to go once the servers are live 

Players were skeptical about the tiny update and some thought that perhaps the update was for the launcher itself but the community manager explained,

The “blip” was just to get your version ready for launch. I can confirm that is the latest build

This settles it then, the game will not receive a large live game update and once the servers go live you are good to go.

Let us know in the comments if you have any questions or thoughts to share.

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