Enable Cortana Outside US


Cortana is the most useful digital assistant that you will ever come across. As Microsoft today released the Preview for Developers today and we are sure that up till now you have had installed it on your Windows Phone. If not see how to update to WP 8.1 in some easy steps and Enjoy.

The point rises how can an individual interact with Cortana when it’s only available in US for now? Not a problem anymore now. Just follow some simple steps that we tell you can within 6 to 8 minutes you will be using Cortana on your Windows Phone.

Now as you must have installed WP 8.1 on your phone. Just slide down the action center can on the top right go to ALL Setting option. Before we go any further we want to tell you that this can change your regional settings to US.

Note: One of the side effect of doing these things are that you can’t manage to access you Store on some devices. So consider this as a preview of Cortana. Well there could be some more consequences so it’s up to you risk it or let it go.

So if you don’t want to change better now, Risking phone can’t be good for you. And those of you who had done it already, so how are you feeling with Cortana? Liking it. Give us your feeds.

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