Download Galaxy S9/S9+ Android Pie Official Alpha and Beta Build (CRI5/CRI6)

Galaxy S9/S9+ Android Pie

Android Pie on Samsung Galaxy S9

The Samsung Galaxy S9 has finally received the latest iteration of Android i.e. Android Pie. Android Pie was released a few months ago and some brands such as OnePlus and Google Pixel have received the OTA firmware update way earlier. Samsung on the other hand, as is always the case, a little slow with the update, recently we received Galaxy S9/S9+ Android Pie builds but they are not OTA updates. You will need to manually flash either the alpha build or the beta on your S9. As for the official OTA update, it seems like further wait is needed as we don’t have a definitive date for release.

In this article, I will show you how you can Download Galaxy S9/S9+ Android Pie Official Alpha and Beta Build and Install them on your S9 smartphone.

Download Galaxy S9/S9+ Android Pie Official Alpha and Beta Build (CRI5/CRI6)

Before we proceed with the tutorial please read the following disclaimer carefully.

Disclaimer: I will not be responsible for any data loss or any damage done to your device during the flashing of Android Pie on your S9. You can proceed at your own will if you think you can follow the instructions diligently.Read all instructions carefully. If you are new to flashing then don't proceed.These Android Pie builds are strictly for G960U AND G9650U models only. 


Galaxy S9/S9+ Android Pie Official Alpha and Beta Builds

Important: Before downloading any file from below, go to your phone settings, then “About Device”, then “Software Info” and then check your Baseband version. The baseband version of your phone must end in “ARG8” for the following builds to work unless specified otherwise. The following builds will update your phone to the corresponding version written at the end of each entry i.e. G965U s9+ CRI5 (This build will update your phone from ARG8 to CR15)

Important: You MUST be on Oreo ARG8 for the following builds.

G965U s9+ CRI5…8-to-U3CRI5-UP

G960U s9 CRI5…8-to-U3CRI5-UP

G965U S9+ CRI6…8-to-U3CRI6-UP

G965U s9+ CRI7…8-to-U3CRI7-UP

G960U s9 CRI7…8-to-U3CRI7-UP


Important: You MUST be on ARI6 for the following builds.

G965U s9+ CRJ1…6-to-U3CRJ1-UP

G960U s9 CRJ1…6-to-U3CRJ1-UP


Important: MUST be on ARG8 for the following builds.

G965U s9+ CRJ3…8-to-U3CRJ3-UP

G960U s9 CRJ3…8-to-U3CRJ3-UP


Important: MUST be on ARI6 for the following builds.

S9+ G965U ARI6 to ZRJ7…6-to-U3ZRJ7-UP

S9 G960U ARI6 to ZRJ7…6-to-U3ZRJ7-UP

How to Install Galaxy S9/S9+ Android Pie Official Beta Build

Step 1-Download the SUITABLE update file from above and transfer it the SD card on your phone.

Step 2- Make sure you are on the right oreo build before you flash to a specified Android pie build (ex. ARG8 to flash CRI7)

Note: If you find out that you are not on the required right Oreo build to install the listed updates above then download the firmware from an external source and use Odin tool to Flash it. Once on the required Oreo build you can follow this guide to install the desired Android Pie build.

Step 3- Now turn off your phone. Once off, press and hold volume up + power button + Bixby button until you see a blue screen with a bug droid on it.

Step 4- You are in recovery mode now. Using the volume keys, navigate to “Apply update from SD card”.

Step 5- Press the power button when you are on “Apply update from SD card” to install.

Wait for the installation process to finish and if you have done everything correctly then congrats as you have Android Pie installed on your phone now. Your phone will reboot upon completion.

Let us know in the comments if you have any questions. You can also suggest improvements to the article and we will update. Thank you for reading! 🙂

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