Deathloop Save File Location on Windows 10(STEAM)

A new action game called Deathloop, developed by Arkane Studios, was recently released. The game is published by Bethesda Softworks; they are known for publishing renowned games like The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Doom Eternal. It is a game that follows two assassins that are stuck in a time loop and are bound to repeat the same day over and over again unless they kill eight targets before the day resets. You can find the location of the Deathloop save file here.

The game does support having your savefile backed up by Steam Cloud. But if you still want to find your save file locally on your PC, then you can follow this guide. Hopefully, you’re not finding this save file to cheat in any kind of way as that way you risk ruining your playing experience.

Guide to finding Deathloop Save File Location

You could want the save file to maybe delete it if it got corrupted or to install some mods. If for any reason, you want to have your local save file with you in your hand then you can follow the steps below.

You can also directly paste the following URL in File Explorer to get to your save file. Replace <user-id> with your Steam user-id.

%USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\Arkane Studios\Deathloop\base\savegame\<user-id>\


Now that you have your Deathloop Save file, be careful with it. Don’t accidentally delete it. You can modify the save file too but at your own risk of being banned for cheating or corrupting it. Let us know in the comments below if this guide helped you to find your Save file. You can read our other guides here:

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