DC Comics Announces that the Universes of Batman V Superman and The Arrow and Flash will be different

DC Comics announcement

Marvel Studios has not only done something magnificent on the big screen. That is creating a number of movies that depict the comics. But also connected their movies with the TV shows like Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. With Warner Bros. and DC Comics currently in the process of building their comic book movie status. Many people, including me, have wondered whether shows like The Arrow and upcoming TV show Flash will be joining in with the big guns. And the answer is “no”.

DC Comics Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns was talking to the Television Critics Association press and according to IGN, put a final nail in the coffin to the idea of Batman v Superman/Arrow/Flash connection. Johns who is a co-creator of Flash and executive producer of Batman v Superman said,

“You’ll see a lot of DC universe characters [on The Flash and Arrow]. You won’t see Batman or Superman. We’re on production on Batman V Superman now. So you’ll see characters like The Atom or Firestorm, but no not Batman or Superman right now [on TV].”

This is not the first time that some kind of announcement has been made. Earlier, Arrow lead actor Stephen Amell announced it on Facebook that he will not have any part in the DC Comics Batman v Superman movie.

Although I’m a huge DC Comics fan and I would personally like both universes merging with each other. But this is for something better. Zack Snyder, David Goyer and the folks behind Man of Steel and Batman v Superman are in the process of creating a huge cinematic universe and they deserve some independency. As John explains:

“It’s a separate universe than film so that the filmmakers can tell the story that’s best for film, while we explore something different in a different corner of the DC universe. We will not be integrating the film and television universes.”

So what do you DC Comics fans think about this mega project?

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