Days Gone 1.05 Patch Notes: Audio, Streaming Issues and Bug Fixes

Days Gone 1.05 Patch Notes

Days Gone

Days Gone is an action-adventure survival horror video game developed by SIE Bend Studio and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. It was released for PlayStation 4 on April 26, 2019. The game has had mixed reception on launch but generally positive reviews so far. Now the Days Gone 1.05 Patch Notes have been revealed.

Days Gone 1.05 Patch Notes

The patch notes for the game include fixes and bug fixes for problems the community has been facing

Patch 1.05

General Fixes

A fix for a streaming issue in certain locations​

Crash Fixes

Fixed a bug where some players experienced a crash when booting up the game

Known Issue

They’ve fixed the issues mentioned above and have assured the community that they’re aware of the audio dropping issue, but have given a small fix for the time being. The performance increase was also discussed in the Reddit comments, with their official handle assuring players that they’re working on improving the game’s optimization as well for both PS4 and PS4 Pro.

If any of your issues aren’t mentioned or fixed by now, you can head over to this thread on Reddit, to submit your issues. Despite mixed reception, the game has been doing quite well in sales as the biggest physical sales launch title of the year in the UK so far.

Bend Studio has already announced a new free DLC for the game, that you can read about here. While you’re here make sure you read about how you can remove the frame cap from Mortal Kombat 11 on PC.

What do you think about the Days Gone 1.05 Patch Notes? Are you enjoying the game so far? Let us know in the comments below and share your thoughts.

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