“No Connection, Retry” Google Play not Working in Pakistan Solution

PTCL-Logo- Google Play

Android users from all over Pakistan are reporting Google Play stopped working from few days. Specially, PTCL Broadband users are having difficulty in downloading and updating Android apps. We have dug around little bit and found the actual reason of Google Play not working. The main reasons users are facing this is DNS problem especially on PTCL Broadband.

PTCL broadband was down few days back which mainly caused this issue. There is some DNS problem in PTCL serves which results in no Google Services connectivity. This causes some issues with Android Phones such as Cannot Download and Update Android Apps, Google Sync Stops, Cannot sign in Android Phone and some other issues related to Google Services.

So here two simple solutions you can try on Phone. We asked few people to test these workarounds they said both are working fine.

1. Tap and hold on your connected WiFi network and select Modify network.

2. Scroll to the end and select IP settings to Static (Which is DHCP by default)

3. Change your DNS to some other DNS other than your service provide like you can use Free DNS: Google DNS or You can also use any other paid DNS you like. After Changing DNS disconnect and reconnect to your Wi-Fi network.

You can use any free or paid vpn service and then try using Google Play. We recommend HotSpot Shield VPN (Download Here) or anyother Android VPN.

After implementing anyone of the above solution try using Google Play and other Google Services on you Android Phone.

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