COD Mobile Season 2 Week 7 Challenges for MP and Battle Royale

COD Mobile Season 2 Week 7 Challenges

COD Mobile

COD Mobile Season 2 is now in its 7th week, with a bunch of new challenges and loot. The game has a Battle Pass system that allows you to earn experience, and upgrade your tier by completing the Cod Mobile Season 2 Week 7 challenges.

You can purchase the premium battle pass as well, to earn more experience, and get more loot and rewards.

COD Mobile Season 2 Week 7 Challenges

These are all the weekly challenges for Multiplayer and Battle Royale.

Weekly Challenges for MP

Win 1 MP Match with Friends

Play any match, either ranked or casual with any number of friends and win a total of 1 matches.

Earn 20 Medals in MP Matches

Earning medals is fairly simple, and are mostly tied to getting consecutive kills in multiplayer. You can keep track of these by tapping the top left corner on the main menu to access your profile stats.

By now, you have probably earned a few, and just earn 20 in total to complete this challenge.

Kill 15 Enemies with a Sniper Rifle in MP Matches

Equip any sniper rifle, and head into a game mode with plenty of players to earn some easy kills.

We recommend using the DL Q33, as it packs a punch and has high accuracy.

Kill a total of 15 enemies to complete this challenge.

Kill 25 Enemies with a Sniper Rifle in MP Matches

This is the same challenge as the one mentioned above, but you need to kill 10 more enemies to complete this one.

Premium Weekly Challenges for MP

Kill 15 Enemies with a Sniper Rifle in MP Matches

If you have done either of the weekly challenges mentioned above, then this will be completed as well.

Win 2 MP Matches

Win a total of 2 MP matches, and we recommend going into frontline or team deathmatch.

Weekly Challenges for Battle Royale

Use Airdrop once in Battle Royale

Airdrops can be found by looking for green dots on your map, and you will see a smokestack when you get closer to them.

These include some of the rarest gear and weapons in the entire game and have their own ammunition. Find an airdrop and loot it once.

Kill 3 Enemies with on AR in Battle Royale

Equip any AR, and either drop into any hot zone or get 3 kills in any number of battle royale matches to complete this challenge.

Kill 6 Enemies with ARs in Battle Royale

This is the same challenge as above, but you need to kill 3 more players.

Premium Weekly Challenges for Battle Royale

Moving 400 Meters in Battle Royale

Cover a total distance of 400 meters in any number of Battle Royale Matches.

These are all the MP and Battle Royale challenges for Season 2 Week 7 of Cod Mobile, and compared to other free games in the same category, these are fairly easy to complete.

Check out the previous week’s challenges as well

What do you think about the guide? Are you enjoying the game? Let us know in the comments below and share your thoughts.

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