Cod Mobile Season 1 Week 5 Challenges Guides for MP and Battle Royale

Call of Duty Mobile

Call of Duty Mobile is finally available for Android and iOS, and you can download it for free. The game has a Battle Pass system that allows you to earn experience, and upgrade your tier by completing the Cod Mobile Season 1 Week 5 challenges.

You can also purchase a Premium Battle Pass that lets you do more challenges for more experience.

Cod Mobile Season 1 Week 5 Challenges

Doing challenges nets you battle experience, and that can be later used to receive experience cards, battle points, and cosmetic items.

The Season 1 Week 5 challenges for Call of Duty Mobile are again, fairly simple, and we’ll go through each of these weekly and daily ones.

Weekly Challenges for MP

Use Emotes Twice in MP Matches

Emote Button in COD Mobile

Kill 12 Enemies with an SMG in MP Matches

Equip any SMG, and head into multiplayer. We recommend Frontline or Team DeathMatch for this, where you can easily score kills and keep respawning. 12 kills aren’t that much especially if you’re at a lower level.

Kill 7 Enemies with an Operator Skill in MP Matches

Operator skills are essentially weapons, with the exception of a shield, that you unlock as you play the MP modes. You can unlock Purifier very early on, and use it during the match, but these don’t last forever so we recommend using them quickly.

Getting 7 kills should be a piece of cake with any operator skill, as these are quite effective at dealing with multiple enemies.

You don’t need to get 7 kills in the same match, so don’t worry about not getting enough kills in a single match.

Premium Weekly Challenges for MP

Kill 8 Enemies with an SMG in MP Matches

If you have already finished the non-premium challenge mentioned above, this will automatically be completed.

Use an Operator Skill in an MP Match

Again, use any operator skill once during a match. We recommend the Purifier, as it easy to unlock, and quite effective.

Weekly Challenges for Battle Royale

Use Emotes Twice in Battle Royale Matches

Follow the method mentioned in the weekly challenges, and just use any emote twice in any number of Battle Royale matches.

Kill 5 Enemies with an AR in Battle Royale Matches

Get 5 kills with any AR in any number of Battle Royale Matches. If you want to get this out of the way, drop into any hot zone, and get some early kills.

Premium Weekly Challenges for Battle Royale

Kill 1 Enemy in Bus Station in Battle Royale

Drop into Bus Station, and get only one kill in the area.

These are all the MP and Battle Royale challenges for Season 1 Week 5 of Cod Mobile, and compared to other free games in the same category, these are fairly easy to complete.

If you still haven’t finished the previous week’s challenges, you can check out our guide for it as well.

While you’re here, make sure you check out our troubleshooting guide for launch errors that players have been facing.

What do you think about the guide? Are you enjoying the game? Let us know in the comments below and share your thoughts.

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