Call of Duty Black Ops 4 and Blackout Uncapped Framerate Support Confirmed

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 BlackOut

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4

The official private beta of Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Blackout is over and Treyarch has confirmed officially through emails that Black Ops 4 and Blackout uncapped Framerate support in their latest iteration of the series. Keep reading for more details.

Black Ops 4 Blackout PC Beta Concludes!

The Blackout beta for PC started on 14th September (for people who pre-ordered Black Ops 4) and now it has concluded. So far the game seemed amazing and so much polished that it left its rivals in the dust. I have seen a lot of Blackout beta gameplay myself and I think I understand why people say that PUBG is in danger.

Blackout Gameplay Overview

Before getting into the uncapped framerate talk let us talk about the recent beta shall we? The battle royale mode features 88 which was extended to 100 players who descend onto the map in wing-suits and fight to see who can be the last player, duo or squad standing. The map is without a doubt the franchise’s biggest one and not only it has different maps from black ops but also every area standouts on its own. Leaving the player mesmerizing the beautiful visuals, landscaped, building, Zombies and smooth as butter gameplay.

 There are so many things I can talk about the beta and still will be unable to finish because after such a long time a Call of Duty game has got me hyped. The game was top notch smooth and fast-paced that actually required skills to survive in the huge map. Treyarch has done an amazing job with everything, visuals, building, terrain, and especially sound effects.

Overall the game is beautiful and I have only one issue so far is the poor job with inventory. The close and mid-combat feel good but long combat seems kind of off. Like I think they should do something about that. Rest of the game is pretty good considering it is still in beta. Which makes the hype increase by tenfold.

Black Ops 4 and Blackout Uncapped Framerate Support

As I mentioned earlier that Treyarch has sent emails letting people know that the beta for PC has been over. Along with the Blackout uncapped framerate support they also said the game will support the 4K resolution and HDR some additional features for PC community which I believe is modding but not sure.

What are the PC requirements?

Here are the open beta minimum and recommended requirement to have and idea what the specifications for the final game will be.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 minimum system requirements

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 recommended system requirements

Note: These requirements are for open beta and they might increase as the game finishes developing.

Are you guys excited for Black Ops 4? Have you played the open beta? What do you think about Blackout Uncapped Framerate Support? Make sure to let us know in the comments down below.

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