Best Bitcoin Mining Hardware ASICs for 2018

Best Bitcoin Mining Hardware

Since 2009, we’ve been hearing about Bitcoin now and then. The year 2017 is when the internet was blown away by it because of its market value skyrocketing, increasing from 2000$ to more than 10,000$. Last time Bitcoin hit almost 19,000$ as its highest record due to which it grabbed the attention of millions of people.

The company behind these Best Bitcoin mining hardware is Bitmain and they built these hardware solely for mining. They are run continuously 24/7 solving complex problems automatically.

Bitcoin Mining Hardware: ASIC Miners for 2018

It is said that 2018 is a year of cryptocurrency, so I am going to tell you about the best Bitcoin mining hardware. They are ranked by the cost/income and how fast they can earn back the initial investment.

I will be skipping prices of each hardware as the demand is continuously rising so does the price of each. You can find these from their main website or from wherever you want, the choice is yours.

Antiminer S9

 Antminer S9, Power usage: 1372W, Hashrate: 14TH/s

This machine is the best Bitcoin mining hardware out there due to its highest Hash speed. It runs at 14 Tera hashes per second, consuming 1372W. This machine is a bit noisy and that is why it is not recommended for home users. It can be configured with any Bitcoin mining software.

Read more about: Antminer S9

Antminer T9

Antminer T9, Power Usage: 1576W, Hashrate: 12.5 TH/s

Bitmain Antminer T9 is an upgraded version of S9 as it increases its reliability with a sacrifice of Hashrate. It consumes slightly more power because they added more chips to utilize its lifespan. Those who’re running mining farms, it helps them a lot by saving them time from fixing, resetting, repairing or replacing. This can also be configured with any Bitcoin mining software.

Read more about: Antminer T9

Antminer R4

Antminer R4, Power Usage: 845W, Hashrate: 8.7TH/s

This machine is built for home users and the company (Bitmain) behind these mining hardware focused on cancelling noise with maximum speed, so, they released Antminer R4. It has less hashrate compare to S9 or T9 but it also consumes less electricity and with the advantage of less noise, one can get couple of these working around the corner of his house and earn silently.

Read more about: Antminer R4

2018 is about to start and what will become of the Bitcoin is yet to be seen. Those who are taking risks today, may become millionaire tomorrow. This is a world of gamble but if the boat is flowing with it why are you not?

Leaving this question in your hand with the hope that this article might have helped you, stay tuned to #TheNerdMag for more updates.






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