Battlefield V Cracked by CPY – Was using Denuvo 5.3

Battlefield V Cracked

Battlefield V

It’s almost as if CPY and other scene groups are cracking Denuvo protected games on a daily basis, yesterday Yakuza 0, which even though was using an older version of Denuvo was cracked, and now today, with Battlefield V Cracked, the list of games that are still protected by Denuvo DRM has become really short.

Battlefield V Cracked by CPY

CPY has done it again, cracking yet another game, that uses the latest version of Denuvo, which currently is Denuvo 5.3, and now Battlefield V has also fallen victim to the cracking abilities of these scene groups.

While Battlefield V isn’t exactly a very hit game, the sales, and general reaction by the public show that it isn’t as well received as something like Black Ops 4, that made a good amount of money within days of release.

TheNerdMag does not support or advocate piracy in any way, though we do hold questionable views regarding DRM, so while we are sharing news regarding cracking, this in no way means we use or advertise said cracks.

Sunset Overdrive was cracked by CODEX on its release as well since it wasn’t using Denuvo, it was bound to crack in hours after release, so that’s nothing new, as well as now Epic Store exclusive Ashen.

Denuvo Vs Piracy

Denuvo’s fight with piracy has been something amazing to witness, scene groups have managed to crack games literally 3 days from release with titles like Hitman 2 but at times pirates had to wait months and months for their favorite games to be available on torrent sites.

Various scene groups have joined hands in the fight against Denuvo, and new groups like FCKDRM are consistently working on new ways to counter the protection implemented by Denuvo.

What do you think about Battlefield V Cracked by CPY in a few weeks of its release? Let us know in the comments below.

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