Assassins Creed Origins Day One Patch Detailed English Audio Will Be Default In Disc

Assassins Creed Origins Day One Patch details have been revealed and Ubisoft has further stated that English Audio will be default in the disc. You will need to download additional audio from within the game menu.

Assassins Creed Origins continues to makes it mark in the world of gaming news, as more information continues to pour out regarding the game.

Assassins Creed Day One Patch is promising, but has some bad news to go along with it.

Assassins Creed Origin will take us to the early days of the founding of the Assassins order and take us to the roots of the war between Templar and Assassins. The game offers us this story from the eyes of Bayek who is working in cooperation with the beautiful Cleopatra and Julius Ceaser to help dethrone the tyrannical Pharoh who is enslaving the people of Egypt.

The game will be a shift in the series as it will offer large open worlds that are by far the largest the series has offered, along with RPG mechanics allowing Bayek to level up by playing story, side missions, and other tasks in the world around him. Bayek can scale the mighty Pyramids and slide down the side of them to reach the ground, which would be a first for the series atypical route of having the protagonist climb vertical buildings.

This is a breath of fresh air for the series, and we can’t for the reviews of the game to begin pouring in for us to learn new information about the game as early as possible!

Ubisoft recently revealed the Day One Patch contents that the game will have, and additional details about the Microsoft Exclusivity deal for the Xbox One X.

First let’s get down to brass tacks and see what Ubisoft has to say about the Day One patch:

Day One Update

Update Size:

The Day One Update will focus on the following:

To ensure the best game experience, we encourage you to download and install the Day One Patch. You will find below some tips to verify that everything is ready before you play:

You can see that the patch is pretty self-explanatory and the sizes are very modest for an AAA title like Assassins Creed Origins.

But Ubisoft, later on, states that a patch will be released later that will add 4K support and Dolby Atmos for the Xbox One X along with HDR for all 3 systems. This means that at launch we will not have these features. Albeit the wait is short as Ubisoft has stated that the title update hits us in Early November.

Lastly, the Ubisoft support page states that English will be the default language in the disc and digital copies of the game, and players will have to download the audio language packs individually which is an average of 500 MB in size.

Audio language packs that will be available:

You can see that there is indeed a healthy support of languages for the game considering the popularity of the languages mentioned.

Assassins Creed Origins is slated for release on October 27th and it is going to be a monumental game in the series. The series making a triumphant return after a year back and finally succeeding the 2015 title, Assassins Creed Syndicate.

Are you excited for the game as we are? Let us know in the comments section below.

Source: Ubisoft

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