Assassins Creed Odyssey Gameplay E3 2018 Announced for PS4, Xbox, PC

Assassins Creed Odyssey Gameplay

While Assassins Creed Odyssey has been said to be a near copy/paste of Assassins Creed Origins in almost every aspect, the game still stands strong on its own if the Assassins Creed Odyssey E3 2018 Trailer is any indication for us to go on.

While early leaks of the game did confirm the Greece setting and more importantly, making us meet the Spartan setting of the game, stepping out the massive Pyramids of Egypt, and into the great Pantheons of combat that the era was known for.

Assassins Creed Odyssey Gameplay on PS4, Xbox and PC

In the trailer we see a lot of action, a lot of blood and lots of promise!

As we see the new protagonists take stage, we now see that Ubisoft isn’t going with the cookie-cutter route that they have now well adapted into the Far Cry series as there are a host of new weapons, locations, naval combat has returned, and there is so much more to the world than ever before.

As you get further into the history of the Assassins with the new setting, you will embark on a world of adventure that is unlike any other. The game will take you through different settings all over the empire and you will once again meet famous historical figures and carry out quests for them as part of your story.

While we only saw a taste of the game in Assassins Creed Odyssey Gameplay, the full game will undoubtedly blow us away and we have a lot to expect from the final game. Albeit Ubisoft has already set the bar very high, let’s see if Odyssey can live up to the massive hype.

What are your thoughts on Assassins Creed Odyssey? Let us know in the comments section below.

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