Archiverse – The Massive Miiverse Archive Has Almost 17 TB of Miiverse Memories

Archiverse - The Massive Miiverse Archive Has Almost 17 TB of Miiverse Memories

Where the Miiverse is now gone, Archiverse has archived a plethora of information that should make sure the monumental social space is gone, but never forgotten.

Miiverse was introduced with the Nintendo WiiU and the Nintendo 3DS and was a social space where users can express themselves with handdrawn, written, or otherwise notes to communicate amongst each other.

Nintendo officially ended the service on November 7th 2017 and many thought that the precious drawings, words and more would be lost to the harsh sands of time, this is where Archiverse came to the rescue to help preserve one of the internet’s most memorable places which was the hot topic place for Nintendo gamers to go and get a good laugh.

Archiverse saw this as an opportunity and swooped in to save a coupious amount of data into a central location that will forever stand the test of time, the internet.

If you are wondering just how big the data is, here is a breakdown:

216,901,986 Replies
133,003,599 Posts
75,955,135 Screenshots
72,135,190 Drawings
8,278,693 User Profiles

Keep in mind that all of this took nearly 17 Terabytes of data to hold all of this information. Even if we generously round off the data to 17 Terabytes, it comes to 17,825,792 MB (Megabytes).

Whether the cause for the creation for the website was preserving an important piece of Nintendo’s history for future generations, or other reasons, the website can be accessed by going to

Keep in mind that the website will fluctuate now and then, as of writing this the website is currently down as they are currently fixing issues.

This is gonna happen for many days, so you will have to bare with the site as they continue to face their downtime.

It is admirable for some strangers on the internet to take it upon themselves to do such a selfless act, and we can only hope that Nintendo doesn’t interfere with the presence of this website.

What are your thoughts on the Miiverse? I know my favorite meme will always be “Y can’t Metroid crawl

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