Apple releases Developers Preview 8 and Public Beta 3 of OS X Yosemite


Two weeks back, Apple brought Developers Preview 7 which came with UI changes and new icons. Now, Apple has now come up with yet another update to its OS X Yosemite. The developers have received the Preview 8 while Public Beta 3 is seeded to the public users. The preview version can be downloaded from the online Apple Dev Centre. The update of public beta can be downloaded from the Updates section in Mac App Store if you are a member of the program.

New OS X Yosemite update has brought ‘Show All’ button in Settings app. There is an introduction of new Safari welcome screen. Moreover, Weather widget in Notification Centre will now ask for permission to use location data.  No other significant change has been noticed in the Preview update. The new build is termed as ‘14A361c’.

It’s not sure how many more updates are scheduled to come. There are no official words on the OS X Yosemite release data yet. Hopefully, the new Mac OS will debut in a month or two. And, we are having only the last few beta versions.

Apple’s upcoming OS X Yosemite was announced at WWDC, and will be bringing numerous features and improvements. You can check out them here.

Stay tuned to TheNerdMag to catch more updates regarding Apple!

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