Apple CEO Tim Cook just shredded Android to pieces

Tim Cook at WWDC

This just in, we have news that CEO of Apple, Tim Cook has raised all kinds of points at Android. This has happened in at the big developers’ conference, the WWDC. Anyone of you which do not know who or what Android is a free operating system. It is distributed by Google and used by most competing multi-phone companies, such as Samsung.

According Tim Cook, 130 million Apple customers who bought one of the company’s products in the last 12 months were first time Apple buyers. Which means that the Apple experience was completely new to them. According to his own words:

Many of these customers were switchers from Android. They had bought an Android phone, by mistake, and then sought a better experience. And a better life. And decided to check out iPhone and iOS.

At this point, Tim Cook pleasured the crowd with humor and in response, there was a huge roar of laughter. Bigger than the time he said something about the Windows Operating System. Another statement of his stated:

Nearly half of our customers in China in the past six months switched from Android to iPhone. This is incredible.

Well actually this is not so incredible. Apple had only began focusing in the industry of China only recently. And according to reports, most of these markets were on Android. That would have given them only one choice to shift to Apple devices.

On another note. He also zinged Android for not having as many people as possible on their most recent operating system. That is the Android v4.2.2 KitKat.

According to these pi-charts about 89% of iOS users use the latest iOS 7 and only 9% Android devices run on top of KitKat. On this Tim Cook said:

Some are on [Android] from four years ago — that’s like ancient history!

Then shortly after,

“Less than 1 out of 10 of their customers are on their latest versions. That means these customers are not getting great new features. They’re not able to run the latest apps, and they’re not getting security updates they need to stay safe.”

Then by far, he showed the most brutal side of them all,

Yes this picture says it all.

But wait, the damage is not done yet, in the following slide he showed Android as a “toxic hellstew of vulnerabilities”. (Drum rolls)

So what you say regarding Tim Cook’s statements about Android? Are they true? Share your thoughts with us in comments below.



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