Apex Legends Patch 1.0.3 Brings Bugs fixes and optimization [Patch Notes Included]

Fix Apex Legends Crash

Apex Legends ingame screenshot

Apex Legends Patch 1.0.3 has been dispatched for the main client, fixes tons of bugs and addresses performance and stabilities issues

Respawn entertainment just released a new patch for their hit free-to-play title, Apex Legends. The game was a commercial success but that doesn’t mean it does not have bugs and other issues. Patch 1.0.3 seems to address many of the known bugs and bring stability and greatly increases the performance of the game.

Whenever a game is released no matter how stable, smooth and optimized it is there will be issues and bugs and that’s a given. Apex Legends is no different and we also covered solutions of many known issues which you can find in our mega guide. Respawn did an outstanding job with the game as I’ve personally played it myself and I would be lying if I say I didn’t enjoy the game. I did not face any issues regarding performance or crashes or stuff like that but that doesn’t mean everyone is enjoying the game as I did.

The patch notes were posted by Respawn’s community manager via Reddit. You can check them out down below.

Apex Legends Patch 1.0.3 Release Notes

The update added new content for Valentine’s Day including Banner Badge and Cosmetics.






The devs are going to be so busy since the game blew up and took the many famous games player base like crazy. The devs are aware of the disconnects and crashes and they assured the fans to stay tuned as they are working to bring stability and performance improvement along with more visibility for everyone.

Do note that the game is relatively new and there might be many issues regarding the performance and stability of the game. You can report the bugs or issues on EA forums. Do let me know if you’re enjoying Apex Legends because I surely am and yeah do let us know what do you think of this unique Battle Royale.

Check out the Apex Legends Nessy Dolls Locations and while you’re here don’t forget to download the Nvidia GeForce game ready 418.91 WHQL driver for better gaming performance.

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