Anthem Patch Notes for 2/28/2019 Revealed: Mostly quality of life changes

Anthem Patch Notes for 2/28/2019


Anthem has had quite a rocky launch, with poor reviews and sales, and a bunch of bugs. Developers are however committed to making the game better for the players and given the nature of the game, it does take time to reach the perfect state. Now, Anthem Patch Notes for 2/28/2019 have been revealed that bring some quality of life changes.

Anthem Patch Notes for 2/28/2019

The Patch will be deployed in the morning and includes the following changes

These minor changes are there to improve mission structures and bring quality of life improvements for players. While Anthem has had quite the mediocre launch, it isn’t too late for Bioware to constantly work on the game to make it into something that can easily compete with alternates like Warframe or Destiny.

Many multiplayer focused games have had terrible launches, like Rainbow Six Siege, but the developers kept working on it and now it’s one of the best games available.

We hope Anthem can sustain its quality and become the game the developers sought out to create. While you’re here, make sure you read our various guides for Anthem as well.

What do you think about the Anthem Patch Notes for 2/28/2019? Are you liking the game? Let us know in the comments below and share your thoughts.

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