Ant-Man Reactions: Here is what the Critics Have to Say


The summer movie season has already delivered some big hits like The Avengers: Age of Ultron, Mad Max: Fury Road, and the Jurassic World. But if you think we are close to done, you better think again! The next couple of months are filled with more anticipated blockbusters. Certainly towards the top of the list is the latest effort from Marvel Studios – Peyton Reed’s Ant-Man! The movie isn’t coming out for a few more weeks but social media reactions have already begun coming in.

The first press screening of Ant-Man were held Thursday night, and journalists started sharing their thoughts on the upcoming film. Here are a few samples we have for you.

Eric Eisenberg of said:

Erick Davis of Fandango and said the following about Ant-Man:

He also added:

Drew McWeeny of HitFix Tweetet:

Jeremy Smith of AICN adds about Ant-Man:

And Ed Douglas of ComingSoon said:

But they weren’t all positive of course. Ant-Man after all went through switching directors and changing course a few times during pre-production. Mike Sampson of ScreenCrush weigh in with:

And Steve Weintraub of Collider concludes:

Ant-Man doesn’t open in theaters until July 17, so you will have to make the most out these.

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