Advance English Dictionary is the best dictionary app for Windows Phone


Dictionary is a necessity, anywhere you are. Most of us holds a pocket dictionary along with us. This keeps us aware of the meaning of difficult words and also increases our vocabulary. Now in the age of smartphones, everyone is having a light dictionary app in their devices. Android and iOS Stores are filled with some really great dictionary apps. But when it comes to Windows Phone, the case is much different. There are no as such popular dictionary apps. The ones with many functions ask you to pay some amount. Here we brings you a FREE dictionary app for Windows Phone!

Advance English Dictionary for Windows Phone is definitely the app all you need to put your pocket dictionary aside. The English-to-English dictionary app comes with some real great features. The dictionary app covers a large number of words. There is no need of Internet connectivity for this purpose. This is because the words are stored offline. Here is how the main screen of the app looks like,

Once you have searched for a word, almost all suitable meanings are shown. Also the use of that particular word as different part of speeches is also shown in form of examples.

As you can see, there is also an option to listen American and British accent pronunciation. However, this requires you to have Internet.

Once you swipes left, the relation of the word with its synonyms is given. A large number of synonyms are shown up which you can choose from.

There is a ‘Star’ button at the bottom of the screen. This can be used to favorite a particular word. The words will be shown under the Star tab.

There is a ‘Recent’ tab also. The tab gives you all the words which you have searched for.

To enhance your vocabulary, the dictionary app has got a brilliant feature. You can have one word and its meaning on daily basis. The word is shown on the live tile of the app. All the daily words can be accessed from Today tab.

There are other options too which can be browsed from the Settings. You can turn live tile on or off. The dictionary app surely meets your requirements to a great extent. After all, it is FREE too. A paid version can also be purchased to avoid ads.

Give this app a try. This app surely worth it. Don’t miss to share your thoughts regarding the app!

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